Copy this framework to make sales

took me a while to learn

Follow this Gary Vee framework.

I remember watching him on a show with Chase Jarvis called Creative Live, this was like 10+ years ago.

Gary was promoting his book Jab Jab. (Good book)

And he shared this framework to connect more with people and make more sales.

He used a boxing analogy.

Here it is.




Right hook.

He probably explained the meaning at the time. But I didn’t get what he meant or really cared.

10+ years later it finally makes sense, what he was talking about.

Don’t get what he means?

Here let me break it down.

Jab (Value)

Jab (Value)

Jab (Value)

Right hook (sell)

And Repeat.

You get it now?

Deliver value to your audience like sending story based emails like this.

Over time when you have something to sell, they will buy from you.

Because you have been jabbing them with pure value and now you are coming with the right hook.

See you tomorrow

Daniel ‘the boxing dude’

P.S. Have you read the book?