
Do you know what that words means?

Reading level: Grade 3

You might not know this about me…

I geek out about anything and everything that has to do with with history.

WW2, Cold War, Roman Empire, Alexander the Great, 47 Ronin etc…you name it.
I’m into it.

I started to read this article on the Spartans, yes the same ones from the movie 300.

There’s a section in the article that talks about their simple habits.

And one habit stood out.


The Spartan were famous for their laconic speech. Which meant they preferred to communicate with short, and direct statements.

They only talked if they needed to and if they did it was straight to the point.

With emails you should be the same way.

So if you can tell the story in 200 words do it.

It doesn’t need to be long, just because.

See you tomorrow

Daniel ‘the history buff’

P.S. Did you write today?