- I am writing story based emails here.
- Posts
- The bamboo story
The bamboo story
Once it grows it grows
Did you know this fact about the bamboo tree?
It takes about 5 years for it to grow.
Let me tell you it right now.
So if you grab a bamboo seed and plant it on the soil.
You water it every day.
Nothing will happen the first few days. Or weeks. Or months. Or even the first few years.
Nothing will grow in year 1. Nothing in year 2. Nothing in year 3. Nothing in year 4.
But if you keep watering it over those years.
On the 5th year. It will sprout and start to see the bamboo for the first time. Once it comes out it grows very fast.
So why did I tell you this fact about a bamboo tree?
Well in email marketing it’s the same thing.
If you keep nurturing your subscribers with emails everyday.
One day you will see the fruit of your labour when it comes to selling a product to your email list.
But it will only happen if you continue to water your subscribers with value every day.
Remember your email list is your bamboo seed.
See you tomorrow
Daniel ‘the email a day’
P.S. Tomorrow’s email has to do with Seinfeld?