The Hinge Date

It didn't turn out the way I thought it would

I knew you would be back today for the Hinge dating story that involves email marketing.

Let’s start this story.

So 2 years when I was on the dating app. I matched with a girl. We met for dinner. While at dinner. She mentioned she owned a successful Shopify store.

I was intrigue. Since I was just starting out learning about email marketing for ecomm businesses. But also to learn more about her business.

While checking out her store, I noticed she didn’t have any email marketing. I asked about it. She said she didn’t think it was important.

This was no longer a date, this was a business meeting.

I offered to help her set it up for free. So I can get the experience. She agreed.

I got to work.

Setting up her welcome flow. Created an email sequence of about 5 emails just for the welcome sequence.

A week later, after testing to make sure it was setup correctly. Showed her. And she approved the launch of it.

Within a few days I started to get email notification from her Shopify store that a sale was made from the first email.

And then another sale.

Why am I telling you this story?

To inform you about the power the welcome email sequence for any business.

Imagine the sales she was losing before because she didn’t have a welcome sequence to nurture her buyers.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

The best part it doesn’t cost you a cent.

See you tomorrow

Daniel ‘the single dude’